Duel between the Campania Region and the Government «Urgent 388 million for the Municipalities»

3 min read

The clash between the Campania Region and the Ministry for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and the PNRR remains heated. The tug of war develops on a political level (with bombastic tones between President De Luca and Minister Fitto followed only two days later by some calmer messages between the Prime Minister and the governor of Campania) and on a more strictly technical track, to the sound of European regulations, appeals, exchanges of letters. The last stage of the harsh dispute concerns the Revolving Fund or complementary fund.

The Fund, in other words, which is used by the Municipalities to complete interventions and projects of the 2014-2020 programming which, by 31 December 2023, have only been partially implemented. To complete them, the EU allows the use of national funds, as long as everything is completed and above all becomes functional, by February 2026 (the deadline until a few days ago was set at February 2025 and has been extended by one year).

The risk: having to pay back what has been spent

Campania needs 388 million to be released as soon as possible to complete the interventions. «There is a risk – says the director of the ERDF Management Authority of the Campania Region, Sergio Negro – that the works will not be completed within the deadline. And, at that point, we will have to return to Europe all the resources collected and spent.” A disaster. And this is precisely what the managing director of the Management Authority, Sergio Negro, wrote in a letter dated March 4th, in the letter addressed to Anci Campania, Department for Cohesion and to the head of cabinet for unitary programming.

Negro writes after Fitto’s letter to the Municipalities

In truth, Negro decided to put pen to paper after the minister Raffaele Fitto himself wrote a letter to the municipalities of Campania on March 1st. Fitto’s letter to each mayor, among other things, said this: «…to allow an accurate verification of the list of interventions to be completed sent by the Region, (…) I would ask you to send me the identifying data and financing of uncompleted projects implemented by your municipality. (…) This note is addressed to all the Mayors of Campania, in order to promptly verify that the list sent by the regional offices does not contain inaccuracies and actually includes all the Municipalities of Campania which have expressed the need to finance interventions to be completed” .

«It is the Management Authority that can process the requests»

And the director of the Campania Management Authority replies: «It is the task of the Management Authority to receive the list of interventions from the Municipalities and carry out an investigation. This has been done. The request to the Municipalities for new lists does nothing but lengthen the time and postpone the transfer of resources. In the meantime, we have construction sites open but at a standstill which entail a serious waste of resources for the Municipalities, perhaps damage to the treasury, and entail the risk of not completing the works”. The ministry has not responded for now.

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