Banca Adria Colli Euganei opens up to expanded welfare

3 min read

Banca Adria Colli Euganei launches a new tool for growth and support for the territory. Aimed at its social base and customers, the means is the creation from scratch of a non-profit association, a third sector body, which will operate in the context of extended welfare.

Supporting Member is the Bank in line with the provisions of article 2 of the BCC statute and with the Cooperative Credit Charter of Values, while the model is that of the Comipa network, which has structured the Mutuals as associative bodies with a welfare nature and legal personality, based on mutual aid.

«For Banca Adria Colli Euganei this is a strong investment in attention to communities and a concrete return to the roots of cooperation – says Mauro Giuriolo, president of the Bank -. In addition to supporting our members and our customers from an economic and financial point of view in ordinary activities, we considered that it was important to have an additional operational tool. With this third sector body, which is an emanation of the bank, but which has its own completely autonomous sphere of action, we will be a reference for social-welfare activities, for health prevention initiatives and for proposals dedicated to children, families , to the elderly. We will enhance relationships with local economic entities for agreements and common initiatives to be extended for the benefit of the bank’s members and customers, or the future members of the Mutua, so that there is mutual convenience. With Mutua we will be a meeting point and a point of innovation for our territory.”

Between Land and Sea ETS – this is the name – intends to operate in favor of its members with specific attention to the social, educational, recreational and health sectors, to promote and manage a mutual system that is integrative and complementary to the national health service. It makes use of an operational structure that works in close collaboration with Banca Adria Colli Euganei: an organized and well-tested machine, which in this period has put in place a detailed internal training plan.

The elected president of the new ETS body is Lorenzo Contiero, who until a few years ago was deputy director. The vice president of Mutua is Diego Broggiato, current deputy vice president of the bank. They will be supported by 3 other directors: Maurizio Rossi, Pietro Spinello and Claudia Targa. The mayor is Jessica Pozzati, the alternate mayor is Laura Ghiotto. You become a member by paying a small one-off membership fee and the annual membership fee, by contacting your Banca Aria Colli Euganei branch or alternatively by accessing the dedicated section of the internet portal directly.

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